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Before you send your request for information, make sure that these are not already available on the site. If you are interested in a quote do not send an email, which would not be answered, but uses only the first few pages of simple online process. Express your appreciation on our services. Remember to specify your name, details of the trip (date, line, ship, cabin number / chair) and provide a detailed description of the lost. Before proceeding, please read the specific information in Questions and Answers (top) To cancel a ticket purchased online, remember to use the email address that is used in the process of buying and always quote your order number and the ticket number. Before proceeding, please read the specific information in the confirmation email you received with the tickets and the question and answer section of the site. If you want to book a group of more than nine persons, with or without bus in tow. You will receive a quotation based on the discounted rates. If you want to communicate with the Call Center. If what you want to tell us or ask us not fall into any of the preceding items.