The travel ticket

The travelling ticket of Tirrenia is only vailid for the passenger that is listed on it and not transferable to any other person.



In compliance with the Security regulations and the General Series Circular n. 106 of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport on Safety in Navigation, customers when embarking must show in addition to their ticket a valid identity document for all passengers, including MINORS. Embarkation will be refused if these identity documents are not shown.


Printed and online tickets have the same value. If you would like to travel to Sardinia or Sicily, you can purchase your ticket online and receive the digital version of the ticket via mail onto the mail address you have insert with your reservation. At the moment of embarkation you can show your smartphone or tablet with your vailid ticket.


Offersvery advantageous

Best Offer Car

Best Offer

The BEST OFFER offer lets you travel with your car at really special rates.
Best Offer Motorcycle

Best Offer Motorcycle

The BEST OFFER MOTO offer means you can travel with your motorbike at really special rates.