The Wi-Fi service on Tirrenia ships and ferries

Always online even on board

On holiday too you can always be online on our ships thanks to the paid Wi-Fi connection available on board Tirrenia ferries. The Wi-Fi service is very intuitive and simple to use, and in three easy steps you’ll be online.

How does it work? It’s easy, just enter any web address from your smart phone, computer or tablet and you’ll be automatically directed to the Wi-Fi access portal where you will see the packages available and their cost. After choosing the solution that best meets your needs, you just need to pay for the package with your Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card, enter the PIN provided when you purchased and start surfing. Not just the Internet, for thanks to the Tirrenia Wi-Fi connection you can also chat with friends, send messages, read mail and post photos of your trip on all social media. And remember at any time you can check your data consumption!







Package Name

7 Euro

1 GB

7 Days


13,50 Euro

2 GB 7 Days Silver

19,50 Euro

3 GB 7 Days Gold



The WiFi service provides Internet access via satellite connectivity, allowing browsing the Internet,  e-mails and instant messaging through applications for Smart Devices, such as WhatsApp, on mobile devices. The service provided is technically very complex, so some applications based on massive and continuous exchange of data, such as watching movies and videos, video calls, radio, file sharing or online games may not be accessible or may not work . We invite the responsible use of Wi-Fi Internet in order not to compromise the performance for the benefit of other users.